Unplanned Sunday in Cologne. Due to the temporary “government shutdown” in the US, some non-critical training in Houston has been postponed to a later time, therefore I will leave later in the week. So, instead of being on a plane right now, I’m on my way to see the movie Gravity. Looking forward to that, after having heard so much about it!
Also, I’ve sorted some more pictures. Here’s a set of photos of Orlan training in the Hydrolab in Star City that I hope you will enjoy:
You will notice that there is no jetpack attached to the Orlan suits. That’s true on orbit as well. Only NASA’s EMU suit has a jetpack, which is called SAFER. And to answer a common question of folks who have seen Gravity: no, we don’t fly around using the SAFER.
It has only enough gas to fly you quickly back to structure if you were to become detached from Station. But that’s a very unlikely situation and it’s never happened before: the regular tether protocols should keep you safe and, if you were to make a mistake, in the EMU we have a safety tether that provides an additional level of protection.
(Trad IT) Traduzione in italiano a cura di +AstronautiNEWS qui:
(Trad ES) Tradducción en español aquí:
(Trad FR) Traduction en français par +Anne Cpamoa ici: